
Tag Archives: woman

When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is… C’mon, ladies, complete the phrase yourself! I look at the mirror. Before I realize myself in this world, before I think over the first weak idea that comes up to my sleeping mind – I look at the mirror. And so do lots of women like me. It’s our folly, it’s a necessity. After that, there starts the most terrible part…TA-DA! I start thinking: I’m fat!…or…I’m ugly!…..or….Whatever.

The number of women’s hangups is huge. No, really huge. We all have some kind of idol in mind, some average ideal woman to reach the level of whose beauty is a maniac idea of every girl. And thus we are constant observers and analyzers of other woman’s perfection and our own wart.

So, what are the most terrible and horrifying hangups ever known to the humanity? To my mind there three main of them giving birth to smaller variations.

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